Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 18


So pretty much at least once a year you can count on me crying as if my heart would break. This said crying usually occurs when it comes time to say goodbye to my sister. And today was that fateful day. I dread it. In fact, the whole time she is here I am usually thinking about the goodbye. Will it be horrible this time? Will I try not to cry? When will be the next time that I see her? I try my darnedest to have fun when she is here, but I can't help the big looming time clock that keeps ticking down until the final day. It's pure torture. Well, early this morn I headed on down to the 'rent's house to say goodbye and the whole way there I am chanting this mantra: Be strong. Don't cry. Be strong. Don't cry. Well wouldn't you know it: dang mantra didn't work! Go figure. It was pretty much a train wreck. There were hugs and tears and goodbyes and tears and I tried to make it short and sweet because really? There were lots of tears. In fact, when I got in the car to drive home I was crying so hysterically that I'm pretty sure my four kids were all thinking: "Geesh Mom. Get it together." But I just couldn't help it. It was pure, unadulterated UGLY CRYING. You know, where your face get's all ugly and your lip is quivering and the tears just keep flowing. (As opposed to PRETTY crying, where you are looking fresh as a Georgia peach and one lone tear runs down your cheek. I am NOT a believer in this kind of crying. Go hard or go home, I always say.)
Anyway, I pretty much had a day filled with tears, semi-depression, and thoughts of when I'm going to see her next. That's the WORST part.....not knowing. I sure hope it's not another year. I'm not sure I can handle that. So P.S's about flying me out to visit my sister for my B.Day. (Hint. Hint.) Just a thought.


Tonight I had a much needed date with Lewis. Now you might laugh when I tell you that our date was to the Elder's Quorum/High Priest dinner. You might also laugh when I tell you that I tried my little heart out to get him to ditch this partay for better options. (Of which I could think about 100) But No......Lewis thought that we should go, and go we did. And low and behold....we actually had fun. Mostly I think it was because we were able to get away from the four maniacs for awhile and just spend some time with each other. In mean, it wasn't our greatest date of all time. It didn't even hold a candle to the time that we got an outdoor couples' massage in that's a great date FYI. But tonight, to get me out of my seemed to work just fine.


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