Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 31


Have I ever told you the story about how I scarred my child for life and caused her to have severe claustrophobia and a fear of being locked in places. Well.....I did. Unintentionally, mind you.....but I did nonetheless. We are not "spankers" in our house. We don't believe in it. So naturally, our most preferred method of discipline is a good old fashioned "time out." About a year ago I started to notice that whenever Savy would go into time out she would flip out. I mean, the girl would go ape and cry and scream and I would often think to myself, "Wow. That punishment is really effective." (Chalk one up to Mom.) It wasn't until a few months later when she refused to go to a friend's birthday party because he had child proof things on all of his doorknobs in his house, (and she was scared that she couldn't get out of the house) that I realized " She's got one of those child proof things on her doorknob on the inside of her room." (You know, so she couldn't let herself out of time out.) So......basically what I was doing was causing her pure pain, terror, and torture every time she went into her room for a timeout because she thought she was never going to get out of the room again. ( I'm a mean Mom, but c'mon. I'm not that mean.) Hence the really hysterical, "I think I'm going to die" crying every time she went to time out. (Yes....I'm pretty sure I'll be paying her therapy bills in several years.) So now.....every time she goes to timeout (yes, still using that method of punishment) I make sure that I leave the door open and make her sit on the bed. we were having one of "those days." And usually if I threaten timeouts it'll whip her right into shape (again, having scarred her for life and all that jazz) but today? No go. She was being naughty and she knew it. So? I whisked her right to time out and made her lay on her bed while I put Braden down for his afternoon nap. There were tears, (lots of them), and screams and hysteria and then? Nothing. So I look in her room and wouldn't you know it.....she had fallen asleep on her bed. So naturally, feeling like the most horrific mom in the world and realizing that I further have scarred her for life by letting her cry herself to sleep, I kissed her, covered her with a blanket and slowly tip-toed out of her room lest I wake the sleeping beast. I mean, I was sad and all......but two sleeping kids? That's a Christmas Miracle.
Let me reiterate: TWO SLEEPING KIDS (at once). Both of them napped for 2 1/2 hours and can I just say, the silence was loverly! It was almost like I didn't know what to do with myself. Who are we kidding.....I didn't know what to do with myself. Should I clean? Veg on the couch? Eat treats that I keep hidden from kids? Organize? Waste time on the computer? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. And Yes. I got a momentary glimpse into my future and all I can say is IT WAS FABULOUS.


  1. Happy Saturday Sharefest! Stopping by from SITS!

    I love when both kids sleep. That happened to me yesterday and it was fantastic! Have a great day!

  2. Happy Saturday! I am also stopping by from SITS. :)

    I understand about the scarring children. I don't have children, but I'm 10 years older than my brother and...I KNOW that I scarred him. He would stick out his tongue and (okay, I need to say I was 12 at the time) when I was growing up, my mom would always say, 'I'll cut it off if you stick it out again.' So my brother sticks his tongue out, and I say that to him. Doesn't do anything. Can you see where this is going? I go get the scissors...

    I have never heard a child scream so hysterically in my life. My mom was in the shower at the time and I tried to calm him down so that he wouldn't tell on me. I really do feel awful about it now!! But then...I just wanted to cover my butt. ;)

  3. It is amazing that you got that quiet time. I love naps. And you wouldn't be a good parent if you didn't scar your children for life just a little bit. I'm sure she will grow up to be a wonderful lady.

    Happy Saturday Sharefest!!

  4. good morning from sits! I love this 365 day journal idea!

  5. hi from sits. Your journaling is funny and I have 'those' days with my girls um, daily. It's always an adventure to be a mom. Sometimes it's just getting through it, right?

  6. This is such a great post! Love the blog idea too!

  7. Oh, I remember those days. Naps : ) Heavenly gifts for sure! Don't worry! She will totally get over that door thing! I make a zillion mistakes every day : ) Stopping over from SITS this evening. Hope your Thanksgiving holiday was lovely!

  8. I am so glad it's not just me.

    You have to see my 2 year old on time out. I know I'll pay for it in the future. In fact, I'm already saving for it.

    I am totally jealous that you had 2 1/2 hours of glorious bliss. I haven't had that in 4 years. Nor have I been on vacation since then.

    Can I cry now?

    Thanks for listening SITSah and letting it out for all of us! ;-)



  9. Visiting from SITs. I thought I was the only one to cherish my limited quiet time. When I get these moments I take a really nice relaxing nap. Time out is a struggle with my 3yo and who knows when she will finally get the message. I will just have to keep trying, right?

  10. Oh I tell you when my 3 year old acts out so horrible I may put him in his bedroom with the baby gate on, started using those child safety door knob locks but was afraid he would have issues from that later on, so we use a baby gate (which he ONLY climbs over when it's morning time and he is ready to get out & I am not awake yet) .. anyways ... when the 3 and 1 year old actually sleep at the same time I feel the same way .. what do I do now?! LOL

    Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest
