Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 28

Sometimes a little piece of inspiration just comes out of the blue. Or in this case.....on the container of the Daisy sour cream. Have you ever bought a tub a Daisy sour cream? Well....not only is their low-fat sour cream the best in the west, fo' shizzle, but apparently they also market toward people looking for a little tidbit to brighten their day. When you open a brand new package....right there, under the lid on the aluminum seal that keeps all the wackos from poisoning your food, is printed little snip- its of motivation. This is what mine said today when I opened the sour cream for "taco night."

"Little acts of kindness can add up to a lifetime of happiness."

Poignant, huh? But really, when you think about it, so very true. And then.....to top it all off, my dear sweet husband made a Cherry Limeade for his tired, worn out wife tonight and he DIDN'T EVEN MAKE HIMSELF ONE. So, not only did I get the very best Cherry Limeade in the world ('cause really? NO ONE makes them better than him) but a reminder that sometimes the little things make all the difference in the world.
And imagine.....him making me a lovely beverage on the exact day that I came across this quote. It was, like, fate or something.


So I'm just going to put this out there: WHAT IS IT WITH MY KIDS WHENEVER I GET ON THE PHONE??!!?? Seriously. They act like little monsters every time I try to have a conversation. And believe me, they are not picky. Whether I am having a conversation with the Sears repair man or my best friend they act the same. They are pretty much equal opportunity monsters. And to top it all off.....they must have phone radar or something. They can be outside playing it up with their friends and I will get on the phone ready to have a long, juicy conversation with my sister or bff and suddenly there they are crowding around, maybe one or two of them screaming their heads off, asking for snacks and whining and just acting like little savages.
I have tried EVERYTHING. I have snapped my fingers and pointed ( as if you say, "shut your yapper") like my dear old Mom used to do.....but to no avail. I have locked myself in my room to try and get some peace and quiet, but all that happens when I do this is the kids panic and scream and cry and try to kick my door down. I have given into to all their crazy antics of asking for brownies at 8:00 in the morning and letting them drink all of my morning diet coke.....but still.....IT PERSISTS. It's almost like they can't stand to have my attention taken away from them for one little second. What can I do? I'm at my wit's end. And quite frankly, I'm sure the Sears's repair man is wondering just what kind of psycho kids I'm raising over here......


  1. I'm amazed by the behavior the phone brings out too. I've only got one kid, but she sure can follow me around and make a ruckus.

  2. Thanks for visiting my site. I looked over at your other one "I think", love that one too. I am following both of them.

    Your kids sound like mine. I really don't know what to do about them when I am on the phone. Sometimes I have to lock my self in my room. just so I can hear.

    I do hope that you can join in for Things Kids Say one of these times, I bet your kids say the funniest things!!

  3. My kids have phone radar and food radar. If only we could bottle that.

    Happy Saturday Sharefest!
