Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 24


So I have decided to jump on the couponing band wagon. I cliche, huh? It seems like it is all the rage these days, and who of us couldn't stand to save a few bucks every now and again? When my sister was in town I had her help me get all organized and show me the ins and outs of the couponing world.....and today I set out on my own to spread my wings and fly......and I was terrified! I had my list of items to coupons to go with them.....and the place in which to go to receive some stellar deals. I just wasn't sure I had the cojones to go through with it. (Looking back I don't know what I was so afraid of. I probably worried that some cashier at Walgreen's would call me out on all my great deals, tell me that NO I could not get this chap stick for free, and send me on my merry way.) Plus, couponing can be kind of complicated. I mean, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure it out, but there is a little bit of a learning curve. Trust me. So......I stood there in line with what I lovingly refer to as "butt sweat" (Thanks Jenny for that term) running down my derriere and my stomach in knots, but guess what? I DID IT!
Now, before ya'll go off and all me some kind of crazy coupon lady.....let me explain just a couple of things. No, I do not make a list of all my deals and post them on my blog and facebook account. No, I do not fight with cashiers to save a couple of cents. No, I do not drive all around the town looking for the one Walgreen's that still has that free baby lotion (okay, I may have done that once, but I quickly learned my lesson. I do not have time for those sort of antics.) I have, however, been able to save about $100 a month, by doing my part......what little it is. And hey, maybe one day before you know it......I will become a crazy coupon lady. But as for now, I'm just happy that today I was able to get something like $48 worth of items for $7 and some change!


So I'll admit it. I'm a pushover. And probably not the strictest of Mom's. And I probably let my kids get away with too much. But I'll just say this.......sometimes you just have to pick your battles. Does your son want to wear the same outfit for three days in a row? Does it really matter if he does? I mean, other than smelling a little rank, what's it going to hurt? It is this exact frame of mind that has got me into trouble and now I am trying to discipline my two sassin' kids and lay down the law and is NOT pretty. Today I switched from "go-with-the-flow-laid-back-mom" to "drill-Sargent-you-will-jump-when-I-say-jump-mom." It was a rude awakening for Braden and Savy when they found themselves in time -out three times BEFORE 8:30 in the morn. (I told you, I was laying down the law today. No joke.) I guess what I am really trying to curb is their tendency to talk back. I can take most anything with a grain of salt.....but that talking back and whining? OHHHHHH.....that really gets my goat. So today, a little tough love was in order. Now what remains to be seen is if they can take me seriously. I am SO not the drill sargent type.


1 comment:

  1. Oh what a great amount of go girl! I've never been a coupon girl but I really want to get into doing that. I have girlfriends that save a ton too, yay! And good for you taking charge of the whining and smart mouths, tee hee...that is my pet peeve with my girls too. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

    Jamie :)
