Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 23


Here's a commonly known fact about yours truly......I LOVE sleep. Love it. Love it. Love it. And I, quite frankly, don't get enough of it. (Hey.....I'm a poet.) Some might say (coughLEWIScough) that I place too much value on sleep. What ev. I have always been that way. Just ask my parents. I was always the child that would go to bed without being asked. I never really had a bedtime.....I would just go and put myself to bed when I was sleepy. ( I was such an angel, wasn't I?) And except that short bout in collage when I would stay up until all hours of the night hanging out at the boy's dorms (Hi Dad and Mom.....NOW the cat comes out of the bag) I still go to bed fairly early. I mean, a gal needs her beauty sleep, doesn't she?Plus, Hello??!! Four kids over here.....sleep is a precious commodity. So.....along those same lines.....I really, really LOVE me a good nap. Here is my favorite thing to do from time to time. I take my phone off the hook, put the house on lock down, and snuggle up in bed with one or two of my kids. I especially loved this when I was pregnant and had an excuse to nap daily, but now, with no excuse I can only rationalize it from time to time. Today was the perfect day for such rationalization.....therefore.... A TWO HOUR nap was just what the doctor ordered. There's nothing like me, it's just heavenly. (Again with the poetry.....I kill myself......)


First things first.....let me just start out by saying that I am NOT pregnant. I have some members of my family that may question this part of the post, mainly because of what I call the "Chloe dream.".......(this being a VERY vivid dream I had a while back about me being preggers and giving birth to a child named.....Chloe....duh.) Well, some of us thought this dream might be prophetic....that it might mean something. (Which quite frankly, scared the living tarnation right out of me because I am most certainly done with that baby making bidness.), I thought I was pregnant. You know that sick feeling that you get when you're pregnant that most of the free world calls morning sickness (and if you are one of those fortunate enough to NOT get that feeling.....then dang you straight to heck....) but when you're not preggers you just call the "blahs"? I felt that ALL DAY LONG. Not throwing -up sick, just pukey feeling and extremely....well.....BLAH. Not pleasant. So I called Lewis.

"I'm sick"......(emphasis placed on the whiny voice.)

"What's wrong, " said my dearest hubby.

"I feel blah. Pukey. Not good. Like I might be pregnant." I respond (still at my whiniest. I mean, I'm sick and still taking care of kids. Not a good mixture. Not a happy mama.)

" Sweet. Maybe you are pregnant. That would be awesome." He says.

{Not even in the mood to humor his antics} "Yeah. Awesome. Too bad I'M NOT PREGNANT. So sorry to dash your hopes."

"Oh well," he deadpans, "There's always next month. Maybe we could get some good practicing in?? Whadda think?.......Honey.....hello.....are you there? Did you hang up on me. Figures."

(Author may have taken poetic license with above conversation to spice things up a bit!)

So this whole episode got me thinking.....what would I do if I were pregnant? I would be lying if I said that since the big snip, (V-Day) the thought hasn't crossed my mind once or twice. I also would be lying if I said that I hadn't taken a pregnancy test or two since closing down the baby factory. I guess there's always that what-if in the back of my mind. I mean, it has happened. Everyone and their dog has a story to tell about that......Just please, please, please.....don't let it happen to me.

No really. That would be bad. Really bad.
Please tell me the Chloe dream was just a fluke. Please.


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